My Family…Instagram Style – {Atlanta Photographer}

For 2012… we made TWO big goals and promised ourselves that we would stick to them!
– Our first goal was to take more pictures of our own kids!! We spend our days capturing beautiful images for our clients and when the weekend comes; the camera never leaves the camera bag. So we became Instagram Savvy….and now everywhere our phone goes so does our camera! Its about being there…in the moment; capturing them because they are fleeting. The image doesn’t have to be technically perfect…they are meant to tell our story. For us…Instagram has been the answer. While we still love using our DSLR for portraits of the kids for canvases, we have grown to love all the little things we would have missed before using our 3MP camera.

– Goal two….get healthy. Late nights spent editing..our health has taken a back seat. So every morning; well almost every morning (6 days a week) at 5am since early January we pull ourself out of bed and head to the gym. In case you are wondering where our Motivation Monday’s came from…well there you have it – its our 5am “help us get out the door” motivation. If you want to keep up with our 5am fun be sure to

And with that…we are sticking to our goals and want to share them with you!
Our family….January 2012-April 27th. Yes, we took one this morning like we do every morning before the kids head to school. I know there are pics of just me; thats what happens when you travel alone. They are use to having pictures taken every morning and now they expect the same from me too . 🙂
Look at the changes??? We can now see them too thanks to our on the go camera.

We actually took more than shown above, but we will stop the overload here.

Happy Weekend!
Atlanta Newborn Photographer


My camera and my kids aren’t the only things that make me who I am. My creative fire is fueled by a passion for the 80’s, southern living, and that nightly piece of chocolate that I hide from my three beautiful babies. I am so grateful for all of these things in my life because they help me be a better photographer and they inspire me—just like you.